Saturday, May 23, 2009

Soaring High with Team SteelSports at Too Cool's Spread Your Wings Adventure Race

Team SteelSports: Chris Clemmons, Leslie Conrad, Thomas Mullins and Rodney Skyles

Pictures of the race.  

We awoke this morning to the sound of a pretty quite TA. Birds were chirping and singing softly, which gave the day a peaceful beginning. Everyone slept well last night and woke up ready to race! Chris slept in the Tundra. Leslie, Rodney and I slept in the travel trailer and Thomas slept in his trailer. After an evening of friendly chats with other teams, getting to know our new team mate and a hamburger dinner, we went to bed about 9:00pm. In getting to know our new team mate, we learned that his wife, Connie, made Italian Cream Cakes and cookies for him to share. Needless to say, with one question, “Do you guys want some cake?”, we quickly voted HECK yeah! So after dinner, we got the chance to enjoy some truly delicious homemade cake and cookies for dessert. We appreciated, and enjoyed it, very much.

It rained the majority of the afternoon yesterday here, so things are pretty nasty and muddy.  The day is beautiful so far though.  The sun is shining and the temp is not unbearable.  Shaping up to be a very nice day.

Prior to the pre-race meeting, we dropped their canoes at the boat drop, which was a short walk from TA. They had to rent canoes from a place near Dallas, because the park was out of canoes, and they didn't want to paddle/portage heavy kayaks. The boat drop was heavily congested with boats. This is a full race, with 12 and 24 hour races. The pre-race meeting started at 7:30. We headed over to hear what Too Cool events were planned for the day. As usual, the first team to sign up for the race gets free batteries, and it just so happens that team was Team SteelSports. So free batteries for them! During the meeting we learned they will do the “big” repel, which is approximately 175 feet. I'm hoping I can make it over to snap some pics of that. Robin, the race director, did say that will be later on in the race. Rules of the race are you have to get at least one checkpoint from each leg to be official, race cut off is 8:00am tomorrow morning and the other typical adventure race rules. It's a firm cut off, so they have to be back by that time. A few more announcements about the wonderful volunteers in yellow shirts and instructions about the ropes course and it was time to race! The team captains were given the maps, passports and first set of instructions and the race was on.

We made our way to the start line, after the team read, then re-read the instruction sheet. Each team member would have to swim, with their inflated tube, across the river to the other side, where they would receive a chip, then swim back. The race began and the teams ran to the water. Team SteelSports seemed to be doing really well. Chris swam first, followed by Rodney, with his intense fins, then Leslie and Thomas finished. They were all strong in the water and were the second team to leave. They received their second sheet of instructions, which was a bike. This bike leg only has one checkpoint. The had a fast transition and were off. They were about the fourth, maybe fifth, team to make it to the trails. I was able to trek up to a place called Windmill hill and saw them biking down a rather steep hill. They were the third team I saw, but I don't know how many teams had come through before I got there. Still, they seem to be doing pretty well. They were ahead of Team Vingette by a few minutes.

10:04 AM I'm back at TA waiting for them to arrive. Several teams have come through and changed into their PFD's, then leave on bikes. I overheard another team say this was a Swim/Bike/Trek leg. Team Vingette, left on their bikes a few minutes ago, and other teams are heading to the water with snorkels. Hopefully Team SteelSports will be right behind them.

At around 10:10 Team SteelSports made it back to the TA on their bikes. The next leg is indeed, Swim/Bike/Trek. They left here with goggles and PFDs. For the swim leg, they slide down big rubber slides into the river below. Next, they had to swim to what's called The Iceberg. This is a tall, inflatable peek in the middle of the water. Teams have to climb the slippery sides, punch each teammates wristband and slide back down. From there, they swim, a short swim, around a bouie, then exit the water. They climb a small, wooden staircase, check in, then head back to the TA. I was able to snap a few photos of them on the Iceberg and in the water, then headed back to the TA to clean off the black, caked on mud from their chains and derailers. Team SteetSports was back at TA by about 10:30. They grabbed quick bites to eat, filled packs, changed shoes and were off. There are only a few CP's on this leg and Rodney anticipated it would take them about an hour. They left here about 10:38.    

**Just a quick note to readers.  There is one place here that I have the ability to connect to the internet, so my posts might not be a regular as they usually are.  I'm trying to type in a word document and upload to this site as soon as I can.  Be patient.  I promise to get the whole race in here!  Thanks for reading and I'll try to post more pictures later, too.  There is a lot of thunder rolling in and I need to get back to the TA before everything gets wet.**

11:30 AM The team arrived back from this, short bike/trek leg. There are a few teams ahead of them, but I feel like they are doing very well. When they arrived back at the TA the thunder seemed louder and closer. The next leg is a trek, that has 3 points and a special test. Rodney thinks this one will take a couple of hours. They left here at 11:40 on foot. I followed along behind them on my bike, as I made my way back to the shop with internet. I saw them trekking/jogging down the main road to Camp Eagle. As I sat down to connect, it started sprinkling, so I decided to head back to the TA to get things covered. Before I left I overheard a volunteer talking about the repel, so I asked him if that is what they are doing now. He said they expect teams to begin arriving at the repel about 12:00 or 12:30. I headed back to TA to see if I could possibly get some stuff done and head over to the repel cliffs. As soon as I got back the thunder and lightening started to worsen. The lightening seemed like it was right on top of the TA. I got the bikes cleaned and moved under the canopy, but not before getting soaked myself. I heard a loud banging noise and noticed that Thomas's canopy on his trailer fell to the ground and crashed onto his bike stand and bike that were underneath it. I think the water collected on top of the canopy, making it fall. I moved his bike, but I think the canopy is broken : ( Rain is kind of a nightmare. As I said before, the mud is horrific, and now it's only worse.  But, that is the sport and adventure of it all. I really wanted to get some pics of them repelling, but don't want to chance missing them getting back here.

1:00 PM The team arrived back at the TA. They did not do the repel yet. It has been postponed until later. The rain has stopped and the sun was peeking through the clouds. This leg of the race is a bike/trek. There are 8 points and Rodney thinks they'll be gone 3 hours or so. They plan on biking as much as they can, mud permitting, so they didn't take trekking shoes with them. They all refueled, snacked, helped plot points and helped with route selection. They had a fast transition and were out of here by 1:15.   

8:30 PM The team returned from the bike/trek leg. They had some trouble finding a few of the checkpoints and have ended up skipping one. I may have not heard correctly, they may have skipped more than one. Rodney told me they were going to skip more, because they were out of water. They came across a windmill that was pumping water, so they refilled their packs there and were able to continue searching for points. Rodney's derailer is broken on his bike. They were low on fuel, so they ate a little more this time, before leaving. This leg is a paddle/ropes. Rodney said about a two mile, or so, paddle. They will paddle to the traverse line and repel cliffs. It's nearly dark, so they took headlamps with them. They left the TA at 8:45 and Rodney said this leg shouldn't take them more than a couple of hours.   

11:35 PM They arrived back a the TA. They all seemed in good spirits and ready to finish. They are on the last leg, which is a trekking leg. They spent some time here eating, plotting and refilling packs. Rodney anticipates this leg will, hopefully, take 4 hours. There are 6 points on this leg and from what they said while looking at route selection, some of them will be pretty tough. They are going to the CP farthest away first and making their way back, collecting the other five.

6:50 AM I was packing up the TA and heard their voices coming down the road. Team SteelSports has finished Spread Your Wings Adventure Race. They only missed one checkpoint. They are all saying how good they feel and how much they enjoyed the race. Chris said he ran into a pig and when he crawled out of the cave he had a tarantella on him. Eeek. Rodney said they had a tough race, but they enjoyed it. Now they are off to load up the boats and then to a tasty breakfast here at Camp Eagle. We'll be on the road back home shortly.

Sorry for the delay in posting. I hope I didn't cause anyone to worry if they ever finished. When I made my way to the store with the internet connection it was closed, and I think they needed to reset the connection. So, I had to wait until there was cell phone reception to use the wireless card.

What a wonderful, Too Cool, weekend of adventure with an awesome team. Until next time...Katrina  

Friday, May 22, 2009

There is a science to this

On Interstate 35, between Buda and Goforth Texas, Team SteelSports weekend adventure began.  At a speed of 70 mph, a man drove along beside us, waving for us to roll the window down.  Rodney and I had flashbacks of the flying canopy fiasco that took place only a few short months ago.  Same interstate, same scenario.  So, we immediately thought we lost something.  The man said "Your tire looks bad.  Those ball bearings don't look good at all."  We smile, wave and say thank you.  We pull over at the next exit, for gas, and to check out the tire.  Turns out the tire is worn down below the steel belt, to the soft mushy stuff.  Or, as Rodney said "the cream filling was coming out", and Chris says "it was worn down to the nub."  

After we established where we were, I used my happy birthday to me gift, my iPhone to find RV Centers near Buda.  The first place, I called, Camper Clinic II, told me we were close and gave us directions, but she didn't know if they sold tires.  She transferred me to the service department, where I had to hold for the guy who knew this info.  He was on the phone with a customer.  I'm impatient, so we decided to just drive there.  We made our way in the direction of the store, and found 2 other RV places.  We stopped at the closest one,  Crestview RV Center.  It had a nice parking lot and exterior.  Inside were tiled floors and a large, tiled, front desk area where a nice lady directed us to the service counter, where we were told someone would be with us shortly.  This fancy place, had a popcorn machine in the lobby.  Chris helped himself, then Leslie, saying, she "didn't want to be the first", nabbed some for herself.  Eventually, Rodney was able to explain the situation to a very well dress man, who looked like he was just the service department boss and didn't get his hand dirty.  He told us that they'd have to "get it in here and take a look at it" to know exactly what was wrong with it.  When we asked if that could be done quickly, he responded with "we're swamped today, there's no way".  They were no help to us, but they did have free popcorn.

We made our way to our next stop, Camper Clinic II, the location I had called first.  They had a gravel parking lot and the office was a double wide trailer.  Leslie and I decided since this place was not as fancy, they probably didn't have popcorn.  She said they might have suckers, though.  Maybe only Dum-dums, but a free sucker, none the less.  The service department was in another double wide trailer behind the office, connected by a wooden deck.  When Rodney opened the door we were greeted with an overwhelming scent of moth balls.  Mmm...looking good so far.  The man behind the service counter, looked like a man who had been working on motor homes and was wearing his service shirt.  He was surrounded by several staff members.  Rodney explained the situation to him.  He told us they wouldn't be able to look at it today either.  Rodney asked if they sold tires and he said no, that Discount Tire did.  After weigh in from other employees, they gave us three locations for Discount Tire.  We thanked them and left, but not without noticing the large box of Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pops by the cash register.  Indeed, they did have suckers...and not just Dum-dums, but we chose not to take one.  Another bust, but luckily, there was one more RV Center down the service road a bit.

Our next, and final, stop was Marshall's Traveland.  They had a paved parking lot and didn't appear to be busy as there were not many cars in the parking lot.  This place was nothing fancy, but not a trailer, more like a big metal building.  Inside we made our way to the service counter where a friendly lady asked what she could do to help us.  Rodney started the story and she turned to a man who was sitting at a desk eating and said, "Let me see if the service deparment can help you?"  He just looked at at us for a minute, then asked what kind of RV we had.  After Rodney explained the situation in a little more detail and asked for some advice, the man reluctantly got up from his chair and came over to the counter.  Rodney told him the tire was practically brand new because we had it replaced recently.  He offered his advice and Rodney asked if they sold tires.  He said no and told us about Discount Tire.  We already know that story.  He asked what size and how many lugs there were on the tire.  When Rodney answered, he, again, reluctantly said "Well, I've got a 15 inch here."  Rodney said "I'll buy it!" We went outside to make sure that was the correct size.  It was actually a 14 inch.  Coincidentally, he had a 14 inch, too.  He said he kept them around for spare parts.  He informed us that it wasn't part of inventory, so he'd take $80.00 cash, no tax, for it.  While Rodney was paying him he asked "Are you going to put that on yourself?"  Rodney said, "I can, unless you want to do it."  He (we'll call "he" Vido), said "Well, I'm really bogged down right now, got a man out, so I'm short handed, we're just really busy today."  Uhh...hmmm....really?  We took our tire and said our thanks to Vido.

In the parking lot, Rodney and Chris jacked the trailer up and investigated the axel.  Rodney can interject more details later, if he feels the need, because I have no clue what any of these parts are.  Ball bearings, lugs, axels...I don't even know how to tell what size tire we have.  All I know is I heard Rodney say, from the other side of the RV, "There's a science to this."  He asked Leslie if she was good with physics, to which she, with a smile.  But, all three of them took a look at the axel to decide what would be best.  We found some tire removing tools, and yes, I know they have a name, and they were able to remove the old tire.  After it was off we were able to get a good look at it.  There were frayed metal strips hanging from one side and the whole tire was worn at an angle.  The boys did some mechanical work on the axel, that made perfect sense to them.  They decided this adjustment would keep it from bending, which is what caused this problem in the first place.  Leslie propped the old tire up against the trailer and the boys put the new tire on.  After the tire was on and they released the jack, Leslie and I realized the old tire was now wedged under the edge of the trailer.  I mean, that sucker was STUCK.  It was not budging.  Rodney released some of the air pressure and pulled it out.  Leslie decided that was pretty smart, because her idea would be to jack the whole trailer up again.  The only air pump available was the bike pump, so that what was used to add 50 pounds of pressure into the tire.  Needless to say it took a few minutes.  Chris, Leslie and Rodney took turns and eventually it was ready.  We moved a few of their gear boxes from one side of the trailer to the other, incase weight distribution was causing some issues, too.  We loaded up the tools, bike pump and the old tire and were ready to go.  We cruised down the road a tiny bit and checked it.  The tire did not appear to be bending out of place anymore, so we headed back down the interstate to finish up our trip.  You may be wonder...What was I doing during all this?  You know I was snapping photos!  

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Spread Your Wings 24-Hour Adventure Race

TEAM:  Rodney Skyles, Chris Clemmons, Lesley Conrad and Thomas Mullins

Race Date:  May 23-24, 2009

Start Time:  8:00 am

Race Promotor:  Too Cool Racing

Race Location:  Camp Eagle in Rock Springs, TX  