Monday, May 31, 2010

Next race... Slovenia

Our next big adventure lies thousands upon thousands of miles away in a small town called Bovec in a small country just north of Italy called Slovenia. We are thoroughly excited about this race as this is one of our main "Adventures with a Purpose" through our partners Extreme Missionary Adventures.

There are several different distances to chose from and while this is a "trail run" or better a mountain run, I will probably be walking a good chunk of this event. I have prayed and now humbly I will accept humility from these mountains that we are about to face. Bovec is at the base of the Julian Alps in eastern Europe and we will be working the week before with an IMB missionary there who has an incredible calling on his life from our Creator.

You can check out more about this event and probably even track us on the spot tracker.

You should join us next time!

And if you want to read more about what God is doing through XMA stay tuned to my other blog.